There's a new rider in town. Maulana Sandi

There is a new Deus rider in Java and he’s unquestionably one to keep an eye on. We’d first met Sandi back in 2019 when he traveled all the way to Bali to compete at the Deus Slidetoberfest. At the time we were definitely impressed by his riding but what also caught our eye was the cut of his jib. His style was on point.

Then, as you all know, everything when sideways so it wasn’t until we ran into Sandi at the Purnama Land Flat Track event in August 2021 when Dean Permana went there to ride slide under the full moon. They were already mates but they got talking.

Sandi then came to Bali for the Tasik Ride in September and once again we were impressed by his riding, it also allowed us to sit down and see if he would be interested in wearing the Deus badge. We were super excited, as was he. Sandi looks the goods, rocking his perfectly natural vintage aesthetic and rides like he was born in the saddle.

Anyway, enough from us, we posed a few questions back to Sandi after he sent us a swag of cool images from the Slide on Sunday event he attended in Jakarta late November.

Whats your full name? Maulana Sandi
How old are you? 28
When did you start riding off road motorcycles? 2014
And competing? 2018
What is it you love about the enduro/dirt motor cross style? The adrenaline
You’re also into vintage motorcycles, why? They have this certain characteristic
When did you first hear about Deus? The 2015 Slidetoberfest Event
Where are you working at present? I’m a Bengkel Boy with Barokah Djaya, a garage in Bandung
Do you also work for Purnama Land? Nah, that’s just Association

You just went to Jakarta for the "Slide on Sunday", can you give us a bit of colour about the weekend?

The event was held in Buperta Cibubur. I went up there with the Barokah Boys and the Purnamaland Team Bandung, all of us were super excited. Weather wise, it was a little cloudy the entire time. The track is grass and so it was always a little wet… we’d heard about the "slippery grass surface" It is so different to what we are used to, you have to think about when and how much gas you give the bike and you definitely have to have a good turning method.

Everyone just pitched their tents right next to the starting line, ahead of what was going to be an amazing day.

There are several classes in the competition, with about 200 participants in total and there must have been around 500 spectators.

We brought the Deus Kawasaki KLX 150 Flat Track bike out of the Deus store in Bandung and participated in two classes of the competition, the 150-250cc & the Corsa class.

We didn’t have any problems with the bike which was great. I took first position in the two preliminaries & also my semi-finals. Then took 3rd place in the finals, I was super proud of that because the CC’s of my competitors’ bikes were much bigger.

But it's not about who wins, it's about where we can pour our fun.

Thanks for your time Sandi and welcome to the Deus Family.


Photographs supplied by Yulian Abdul Sidiq & Garin Anugrah



Deus sekarang punya pengendara motor baru di pulau Jawa, kemampuan nya tidak diragukan lagi. Kita ketemu dengan Sandi di tahun 2019 ketika dia datang ke Bali untuk berkompetisi di Deus Slidetoberfest. Saat itu juga kita mulai terpukau dengan cara dia berkendara dan yang juga mencuri perhatian kami adalah penampilannya. Style nya sangat on point. 

Kedua kali nya kami bertemu Sandi adalah di Purnama Land Flat Track event di bulan Agustus, Dean Permana juga sedang berkendara malam itu. Sandi dan Dean sudah tahu satu sama lain tapi kali ini mereka benar-benar kenal. 

Sandi kembali ke Bali untuk mengikuti Tasik Ride di bulan September dan sekali lagi kita terpukau dengan cara dia mengendarai motor, kami ajak dia duduk dan bertanya apakah dia tertarik untuk mengenakan badge Deus. Kami sangat senang, Sandi pun demikian. Sandi kelihatan sangat keren, dia membuat vintage aesthetic look kelihatan natural, seakan akan dia memang terlahir untuk berkendara. 

Anyway, cukup dari kami, kita tanyakan beberapa hal ke Sandi setelah dia mengirimkan kita foto keren dari Slide On Sunday event yang dia kunjungi di Jakarta, November kemarin.

Nama lengkap kamu? Maulana Sandi
Umur kamu? 28
Sejak kapan kamu mulai mengendarai sepeda motor offroad? 2014
Dan mulai ikut kompetisi? 2018
Apa yang kamu suka tentnag enduro/dirt motor cross style? Adrenaline nya
Kamu juga suka motor vintage kan, kenapa kamu suka? Karena motor vintage punya karakteristik masing-masing. 
Sejak kapan kamu dengar tentang Deus? Tahun 2015 di Slidetober Event
Sekarang kamu kerja dimana? Saya Bengkel Boy di Barokah Djaya, sebuah bengkel di Bandung. 
Kamu juga kerja di Purnama Land? Nggak, itu cuma asosiasi.

Kamu baru saja ke Jakarta untuk “Slide On Sunday” bisa kamu gambarkan tentang event di akhir pekan itu?

Event itu di adakan di Buperta Cibubur. Saya kesana dengan Barokah Boys dan Purnamaland Team Bandung, kita semua senang sekali. Cuaca… waktu itu berawan seharian. Track nya rumput dan juga sedikit basah… kita juga dengar tentang “permukaan rumput licin” beda dengan yang biasa, kita harus berpikir kapan bukaan gas yang tepat dan yang jelas kita harus punya metode belok yang baik. 

Semua yang datang membangun tenda di dekat garis mulai, yang tentunya akan menjadi hari yang menyenangkan. 

Ada beberapa kelas di kompetisi ini, ada sekitar 200 partisipan dan sekitar 500 spektator. 

Kita membawa motor Deus Kawasaki KLX 150 Flat Track dari toko Deus di Bandung dan berpartisipasi di 2 kelas kompetisi, 150-250cc dan kelas Corsa. 

Untungnya tidak ada masalah sama sekali dengan motor. Saya menang juara satu di dua kali penyisihan dan juga semi-finals. Di final saya di posisi ke-3, saya bangga karena CC motor kompetitor saya jauh lebih besar. 

Tapi ini bukan masalah menang dan kalah, yang penting ini menyenangkan. 

Terima kasih untuk waktu kamu Sandi dan selamat datang di Keluarga Deus!


Photographs supplied by Yulian Abdul Sidiq & Garin Anugrah


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